Sunday, March 29, 2020
Organic Chemistry - How to Get an A in Organic Chemistry and Get A Career in Chemistry
Organic Chemistry - How to Get an A in Organic Chemistry and Get A Career in ChemistryHow to get an A in Organic Chemistry? If you are a student who wants to take your career to the next level, an organic chemistry degree will open many doors for you. It is an exciting and rewarding career that will allow you to make a difference in the world. For some, this field will lead to a nice, steady salary or even a high-paying job in the medical field.An organic chemistry degree can open a whole new world of opportunities to you. With this kind of knowledge, you may be able to help out a struggling research team or even help to develop the next cure for a disease. Now, you may be wondering what it takes to get your college diploma in organic chemistry.There are two different paths that you may take to get your diploma in organic chemistry. One path is to take chemistry for a regular four-year degree while the other path is to take an accelerated program that will allow you to complete your education quicker. By choosing which path you would like to take, you will be able to better determine the type of experience you need for your career.While there are many advantages to each path, you will have to weigh them against each other before making your career choice. One advantage to getting an accelerated program is that you will finish in about three years, which is enough time to earn your degree without having to attend classes during the summer. Plus, there is the opportunity to choose when you will be attending classes; you can take classes while working and earn your certification while still taking care of your family.How to get an A in Organic Chemistry? The quickest way to earn your diploma in organic chemistry is to take a regular four-year course that includes both organic and physical chemistry. By taking physical chemistry as well as organic chemistry, you will be able to get a better grasp on the work you will be doing in this field.However, this isn't alway s the best choice for everyone. Many people are interested in learning organic chemistry but they have no interest in working with chemicals. If this describes you, you can take an accelerated course that will allow you to earn your degree quicker.Of course, if you choose to get an accelerated program, you will need to decide how quickly you want to get your diploma. It is important to take advantage of all the opportunities that these programs offer. While you may want to have all the credits before you enter a field, you may find that it is better to have them before you ever get to the field than it is to wait until you are already in it.So, the next time you hear someone speaking about how to get an A in Organic Chemistry, don't be afraid to ask about what options are available to you. You may be surprised to learn that many of the courses that are offered to professionals in this field include hands-on lab experiences in order to give you a better understanding of how you will be working in the field. This will help you decide if this career is right for you or not.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Pupils must be taught how to make and use apps - Tutor Hunt Blog
Pupils must be taught how to make and use apps Education secretary says pupils must be taught how to make and use apps Education secretary says pupils must be taught how to make and use appsSecondary SchoolsThe former Work and Pensions Minister Damian Hinds has been appointed the new Education Secretary, after Justin Greening resigned earlier this month during Teresa may`s extensive cabinet Reshuffle. Along with learning how to be confident in public speaking, Mr Hinds has expressed the importance for young people to be prepared for the ever changing and challenging working environment, in an age increasing dominated by technology. In his first public speech, delivered at the Education World Forum in London, Mr Hinds spoke of the perennial importance of the `core academic subjects`, while also stressing the importance of `soft skills` - character straits such as a strong work ethic, and good communication skills - which will help improve the employment prospects for young people. I hadn`t encountered the phrase `soft skills` before, but most of my colleagues have come across it - these skills include a good work ethic, time management abilities, and teamsmanship. ; Of course that is one of the main attributes of a good all round education - learning to get along with people, working within a time frame, being a team player - things that are essential in any workplace. Mr Hinds said that the rather modestly titled `soft skills` are really of paramount importance: `I would suggest that there is nothing soft about these skills,` he told those gathered at the Education World Forum. `The hard reality of soft skills is, actually, these things around the workplace, and these things around character and resilience are important for anybody to achieve in life, as well as for the success of our economy,` An interesting point raised by the minister at the Education World Forum was the growing relevance of `apps` in our lives. To me the term `app` still sounds a little comical and quaint - I really have no use for them, but then again I`m a luddite dinosaur who mainly uses his phone to make and receive calls. Many of my colleagues though say they couldn`t get through a work day without using multiple apps, with one of them saying they are needed before they even get to the office: `The very first thing I do when I wake up is to check my transport links app - this tells me about any issues on my route to work. It tells me the schedule of most TFL buses and trains. Instead of waiting at a cold at a bus stop, I can enjoy my coffee in the morning for a few extra minutes, before leaving just in time to catch the bus.` There are apps to help you exercise, to tell you what foodstuffs your fridge is running low on; there are apps to tell you where and when to look in the night sky to see certain constellations. There are even apps that can help you monitor and improve your sleep cycle - even while unconscious apps can be used! Mr Hinds said that young people need to develop the skills to `write apps,` as well as being taught how to use them. The idea of a group of children receiving a masterclass in phone or tablet use certainly seems strange to me; but it is a brave new world we are living in, one that is (thank goodness!) leaving me and my rotary dial phone far behind! Of course we need to prepare pupils for the modern, technologically driven workplace they will be entering. Coding, app creation, these skills are in high demand, and will surely become more necessary in the future. We must be careful though not to be dazzled by the novelty of these new industries: of course IT in all its many guises, from programming to graphic design, is a core component of any modern economy; but mathematics and english, language and numeracy, must not be neglected in the rush to embrace these new disciplines. Andreas Schleicher, director of education for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (thankfully usually shortened to the OECD) has revealed a shameful statistic: a fifth of 15-year-olds in the UK are struggling to achieve even the most basic levels in maths and reading. In a speech at The Education World Forum Mr Schleicher said: `If the United Kingdom were to ensure that all students had at least basic skills, the economic gains could reach $3.6 trillion (2.58 trillion) in additional income for the economy over the working life of these students,` The department for Business and Innovation Skills published a report in 2016 entitled `The Impact of Poor English and Maths Skills on Employers,` in which it detailed concerns voiced by a broad range of industry representatives relating to the low standards of literacy and numeracy skills amongst employees. 2 years ago0Add a Comment
5 ways to improve on your mock results
5 ways to improve on your mock results Mock exam results are the most significant opportunity you get to evaluate where you are before your GCSEs and A-Levels take place in May. Your grades will not only show you what you need to do next but also what you need to work on. Here are 5 ways you can improve your results. Experiment with your revision technique One thing your mock results will show you is whether your revision plan was right or not. You may have kept to a strict timetable with hours of work each day, but if you haven't achieved the results you wanted, you need to change your studying game. Try everything from flashcards with questions on one side and answers on the other to a mind map, where key concepts are linked together around a topic title. Use a highlighter to mark up key topics and try a daily combination of these techniques with regular breaks. Also, take a look at these blog posts for more ideas on how to revise effectively. Finally - be honest, did you leave yourself enough time to revise? For optimum results, revision needs to begin at least eight weeks before your real exams start. Tackle your weaker areas We often know what our weaker areas are but rather than spend more time revising them, we focus on what we're good at. If this has affected your grade, then you need to face your fears and tackle the subjects and topics that are your Achilles heel. If you've been surprised by your results in a subject you are usually strong in then you need to speak to your teacher. Find out where you went wrong, what you can do to change things and who can help you. It may be that you need a study group with friends or extra tuition from a tutor. Hone your examination technique Lack of exam prep is an area where many students fall. You may have done all your revision, but if you don't know what your examination board is marking your questions on, you can still get a low grade. Your teacher or a tutor can help here with a guide to the syllabus and what you need. Once you know this, you need to ensure that all your revision revolves around these areas Past papers are also crucial as they give you clear clues on how exam questions will be asked and what examiners want to see from you. Attempt to answer these papers with your notes on hand so you can make sure you are covering all the areas needed to pass with a high grade. Rethink your revision sources? Always follow the resources your teachers give you and also to create your own in the form of flashcards. It's also a good idea to look online at the wealth of resources out there from student and teacher sites to the BBC. Look at our blog post for maths and biology to get an idea of the wealth of resources out there. Seek out extra help? Remember it's never too late to improve your grades and one clear way to do this is to ask for help. Whether it's your teacher or a tutor, they can help you to improve your revision technique, work on areas that are challenging and also perfect your exam technique.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Why Some Are Voted Best Education
Why Some Are Voted Best EducationA key factor in a child's success will be the use of strategic tutoring. This can mean different things to different parents, but there are some key concepts that should be considered as a parent approaches their child's education.Education is essential to the well being of an individual and the state of the society. The better a child learns the better equipped they will be for the future. The ability to learn when one is young will be greatly beneficial as they move into their later years.Parents will also want to see a significant improvement in the family environment. Children that receive tutoring often perform better in school and their family life. There is no question that the family's quality of life will improve if they have an educational outlet available for their children.Tutoring can be a multi-step process. The first step of this process is consultation with the child's teachers and/or parents. This is especially important in cases wher e there has been a dispute between the child and one or both of the parents. This helps to bring the two parties together and determine what the future looks like.At this point the parent is informed of the issues that will arise with the child being home alone. The purpose of this meeting is to make sure that the school knows what is being planned for the child and that the child feels comfortable. Both parties are accountable for each other's comfort levels, and if there is no trust in one, there is no trust at all. There will be much resentment by both parties if there is a bad experience during this time.Education is much more than just sitting down and learning to read or do simple math. It is also about developing a self-esteem and being successful. This is not achieved without a change in the family's attitude and mindset. These are some of the reasons that parents should consider these types of services when they are selecting the type of tutoring that they would like to hav e for their children. This will make a tremendous difference in the future of their child. They will learn faster, know how to concentrate better, and most importantly their personality will change. These are the things that parents are looking for in any option they choose to take.
Helping Students With Student Tutoring in Bellevue WA
Helping Students With Student Tutoring in Bellevue WASeattle has a great school district and many of the students are learning to work through their classes on their own. This is one way they can get to the college they want to go to and so for students who may not have a lot of money they can help their educational career by helping to pay their way through their classes with private tutoring in Bellevue Wa. There are several places where students can use tutoring services in this area.If you attend a school and you need to get up a few extra hours you can use the services of the private tutors at your school. These are either a service to the school or at least our part of the school district. These places generally charge an hourly rate or a flat fee based on the number of hours they help you to complete.However, private tutors are not always able to give students as much help as they would like. For some students there may be a need to find other ways to finish their class assign ments. Some parents will choose to take their child to an outside school. This is where students can continue their education by paying their way through their class work on their own.Many parents think that if their child does not go to school it is because they do not want to go to school. Some parents do want their child to go to school, but the child just does not have the grades that they are looking for. The parents must be willing to take a chance to see if the child can learn to work on their own at home and complete their work at home.This way the child will not miss out on much time at school when their friends have nothing to do. The child may not have a full time job and will still have a social life if they get their work done at home. This is good for the child's future because they will not have to worry about being home with no money when the family needs food.It is true that there are some private schools that have several students going to the same school. This can lead to some kids being separated in class. Some children are involved in sports and may have different groups to hang out with. This can cause problems for all the children because they do not get along.These private tutors can help the children get to know each other. They can teach the child how to handle their social life and also develop the child's confidence. In the end these services can help the children and parents bond together. Parents can even help out by making sure that their child gets to spend as much time as possible at home.
What You Need To Know About Getting Your Chemistry Internship Summer 2020
What You Need To Know About Getting Your Chemistry Internship Summer 2020If you are looking to gain experience and to have the opportunity to get your degree at the same time, you may be considering going into a college or university and getting your chemistry internship. Chemistry internships are provided by many companies throughout the United States as well as some abroad. These programs usually offer two months of paid work experience, typically with an area of interest to the student, and generally also provide paid tuition.When it comes to choosing a college or university for your chemistry internship, keep in mind that there are a number of factors that go into choosing the one that is right for you. For example, does the school offer admission testing requirements? Do they offer some type of financial aid?In the case of an applicant that is not a science major, does the school have an easier time admitting that student? Does the student want to be involved in a group or is he or she more interested in the student-faculty relationships? Another question to ask is whether or not the school offers any type of scholarship for students in the sciences. Many schools do offer financial aid, but they may not offer enough to cover your entire tuition if you are not a science major.Most schools will provide a list of all the various companies that offer these types of programs so that you can begin your search. A good place to start your research would be the College Board, which has provided a listing of information on hundreds of different chemistry internships across the country. However, always make sure that you find out whether or not you need to take the ACT or SAT before you sign up for the internship.You can also look online for information about available chemistry internships. This is especially important if you are a science major since you may be able to work with someone from a local college or university that would be willing to recommend you to th e company. This could provide you with the chance to earn a paid job experience while also gaining valuable work experience.A college or university will probably be happy to let you spend the summer working for the company during your chemistry internship. Make sure that you understand all of the terms and conditions before signing up. Make sure that you are aware of all the guidelines, which include how much the company pays you and what your responsibilities are during the workday.During the summer work experience, you will be paid by the company in cash, which may not be considered payment for services rendered. Once you have successfully completed the internship, you will most likely be able to apply for a full-time position with the company. Although there is a possibility that the company may not be able to hire you right away, they will usually allow you to apply for another position once you have shown your ability.
5 Ways to Practice French Conversation
5 Ways to Practice French Conversation Megan L. For many students, having a conversation in French can be intimidating. Luckily, tutor Nadia B. is here with tips to help you get started chatting it up with some new French friends As you learn French, practicing it through conversation can become a regular part of your life, by following these easy tips. Before you know it, you will be practicing and speaking French with fluency! 1. Try a Meetup Photo via The San Diego French Language Meetup Group Monthly Meetup The easiest way to practice conversational French is to find a group of French speakers who have the same goal as you: to practice conversation. You can find groups with this interest through, or also at your local Alliance Française, an organization that aims to promote French culture and language. Most of these groups are free or very inexpensive, and you have the advantage of interacting with a wide variety of French speakers, from native to multilingual speakers, to everything in between! If you attend the group regularly, you will notice steady progress in your French conversation skills, and you will likely also make long-lasting friendships at the same time. 2. Make a New Friend Photo by mark sebastian Another excellent and simple way to practice French conversation is to find a single conversation partner: either someone who wants to practice French, too, and is at a similar level to you, or someone who is a native French speaker looking to improve his or her English. Either way you will be making gains on your conversational abilities with other equally interested individuals, which is key. A great way to ensure progress is to create structured, clear guidelines for your meetings; decide in advance how to split the time between each person and each language. 3. Talk to Yourself! photo via Sarah If youve tried to find other interested individuals to practice with and havent had any luck, you can still converse! Using the exercises in your book, you can read aloud the questions or topics for conversation and then reply. This is an excellent way to target specific topics, vocabulary or grammar concepts since books address these in short, conversational activities. If youre learning French with a tutor, you can record your responses and ask your teacher for feedback. 4. Join a Book Club photo via The San Diego French Language Meetup Group Monthly Meetup If youve participated in conversational French language groups and are now looking for more intensive, complex conversation, why not start or join a French book club? The conversations you will engage in will provoke you to use a richer vocabulary, more complex structures to express your opinions and reference events, characters and themes in the book. This is a wonderful way to elevate your French language abilities to a more advanced, literary level. 5. Eat Up Photo via Viewminder Lastly, if youre looking for a more casual, social way to practice your conversational skills in French, head to a French, Belgian or West African restaurant (or patisserie), and strike up a conversation with some of the French speakers there. You can discuss their culinary specialties, life in their native country, or the news of the day, either in the Francophone world or in your local area. Going to chat with native speakers is a great test and exercise can you understand them, with unique accents and slang at play? Can you communicate effectively and appropriately? Treat it as a game that leads to friendship and improved French conversational skills! Finding your way around French will become easier and easier as you use these strategies for practice. Before you know it, your free hours will be filled with discussions of books and meetings over coffee with your friends, who also happen to be French speakers! Post Author: Nadia B. Nadia B. teaches flute and piano in New York, NY, as well as through online lessons. She acted as principal flutist of the orchestra and wind ensemble at California State University, Sacramento, and then went on to receive her degree in Music Performance from New York University. Learn more about Nadia here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher
Highlights Of Contemporary And Modern Art
Highlights Of Contemporary And Modern Art Discover Art Movements ChaptersThe Highlights Of Pop ArtThe Highlights Of SurrealismThe Highlights Of CubismThe Highlights Of ImpressionismThe Highlights Of ExpressionismThe Highlights Of BaroqueArt movements have always been full of change, expression and often communicate the way that people perceive the world around them. Here we present you with 6 different artistic styles and give you some highlights of the Artistic movements for you to understand them.Art movements have always been full of change and expression. Photo Source: Unsplashdecided to pursue his art.As well as being an expressionist, Kandinsky is also the pioneer of the abstract art movement. He interrelated colour and form to create an experience which evoked all emotions. He wanted to communicate spirituality through art and inspire an aesthetic experience like visual poetry. Music was greatly incorporated into his process, and he worked to replicate the freedom of sound within his paintings.Top artworks: The Blue Rider (1903), The blue m ountain (1908/9), Composition IV (1911)Birthplace: RussiaLifeline: 1866 - 1944Art Style: Expressionism and abstract expressionismInspired by: Post-impressionists,Art Forms: PaintingPopular Expressionist Work: Vase With Twelve SunflowersVan Gogh's paintings of sunflowers of some of the most famous painting in his collection. Painted in the south of France Van Gogh painted a series of 5 images of sunflowers in a vase. In the image, if you look closely, you might notice that he only used a few colours to paint the entire picture, namely 3 tones of yellow. He wanted to demonstrate it was possible to paint an image with only a single colour.He painted the series to communicate gratitude, happiness and hope. The colour that he used was a new and none permanent yellow colour which is why today the painting has faded from their former glory. Van Gogh used these impermanent colours on purpose and is quoted as saying paintings fade like flowers. The images have started boldly with bright, vib rant colour and through the centuries have slowly faded and muted in their vibrancy.The Highlights Of BaroqueBegan In 1600Baroque artists like Caravaggio were commissioned by the church and religious institutions to create extravagant artwork. Although not exclusively, the work highlighted the power of the Catholic church. Paintings, buildings, music, literature and dance all expressed the style.Baroque Artist: Van DyckSir Anthony van Dyck was born in Antwerp, his artistic career started early with his first painting being at age 17. By age 20 he was already in the service of the king of England where he became one of the leading painters at court. Passionate about his craft, he travelled to Italy and the Netherlands for an extended period to gain more inspiration and experience. By the time he returned to English court, he was well renowned and successful. He is well known for his portraits of King Charles I.Top Artworks: Charles I at the hunt, Charles I in three positions, Cupid and psycheBirthplace: Antwerp, BelgiumLifeline: 1599 - 1641Art Style: Baroque (European art)Art Forms: PaintingPopular Baroque Work: Judith Slaying HolofernesThis painting is of a heroic woman called Judith, by Artemisia Gentileschi (one of a small number of Female artists). The figures are bursting out of the darkness. Beautifully highlighted figures fill the foreground in a luminous but dim light. The story is that the heroic woman Judith hatched a plan to catch the eye of the general, Holofernes who leads the Assyrian army. The same army which has laid siege to her town Bethulia which is about to lose in battle. Judith’s plan works perfectly, and Holofernes gets drunk and falls asleep. Judith’s maid helps in the murder as Holofernes tries to fight them off. At which point Judith beheads him with his own sword. The limbs of the women and the general lead the eye directly to the beheading. Judith’s hand trusses Holofernes’ hair and turn him to face us. He is powerless to d o anything but look on and await his fate. The contrast of colour and the play with light really brings our focus to the main point of action.Pop artists wanted to connect art to their experience. Surrealists wanted to break down the barriers of the mind. Cubists want to look at things differently. Expressionists wanted to express their emotions on the canvas. Impressionists want to get out of the studio and make art of whatever caught their eye. The baroque was lead by religion to establish power. Which do you like best?
How Can I Develop My Public Speaking Skills
How Can I Develop My Public Speaking Skills Ways To Improve Public Speaking Skills ChaptersWhat Is Public Speaking And Why Do I Need This Skill?How To Get Better At Communicating VocallyAdditional Public Speaking Tips For Introverts TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.93 (9) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarriePersonal development Teacher £24/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyPersonal development Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Is Public Speaking And Why Do I Need This Skill?Public speaking is, in essence, any form of addressing a crowd or speaking in public .It could be reciting a poem in front of your classmates, making a new proposal in a meeting at work, or you could be inspiring a group of fellow activists on a subject you're passionate about. Regardless of why you're speaking publicly, the ultimate aim is to be persuasive and get your message across, whilst feeling comfortable speaking.This act of effective communication, speaking to an audience, requires quite a lot of preparation for some whereas, for others, it comes somewhat naturally. That said, different environments and audiences can play a big part in how you react under pressure so even the most confident speakers can crumble under extreme pressure when feeling speech anxiety!When public speaking, the information is intended to have a purpose, i.e. to educate, influence or entertain the listeners so it's important to speak with confidence.When it comes to your career, good leadership and conversational skills can make you stand out from the rest of your team, ensure that people listen to your points, help you to make sales and leads, and allow you to be more transparent, among many other reasons to work this skill.However, public speaking isn't all about looking out for yourself in terms of job security and promotion. Being able to speak confidently can, outside of the workplace, help you to adjust to social situations that once made you uncomfortable (such as mingling, making small talk with strangers, etc...), enable you to showcase your knowledge on a subject and allow you to learn more about your interests.Does the idea that you have to speak in public give you a fright and fill you with nervousness? Then keep reading for some tips on how to get rid of public speaking anxiety.How To Get Better At Communicating Vocally Learn from the best public speakers of our time. Photo on Visualhunt.comWant to master presentation skills? Then you first need to get to grips with the basics of oral communication.Here are some tips and tricks for getting better at speaking to the masses and diminish performance anxiety.Prepare Well To Diminish NervesBeing nervous is normal: pounding heart, sweaty palms, dry mouth, we've all experienced it. But nerves are also good, as they show that you care.The best way to overcome these feelings, however, is to be as prepared as you can be when giving a presentation. If you have re-read your notes a hundred times, then you have no need to feel worried about your speaking skills!Know Your AudienceGet to know who it is you are addressing because remember that delivering presentations is about them and not you.Find out as much as you can about the crowd so that you can choose your vocabulary wisely in your presentation to engage the audience, work out how much information you feed them and decide how to organise the speech (with kids, for example, you'll need to keep injecting fun activities in between chunks of detail if you want to keep them hooked throughout!).Go With The FlowWhile you should know your audience and should, therefore, have an idea of how they will respond to your speech, it's wise to try to feel their response and work with the feedback and vibes they give. If it means forgetting your cue cards and going off on a tangent because that is how the speech evolves, then go with the flow if you are confident to do so! Everyone hates it when politicians keep returning to the point they want to make instead of answering the question put to them... the greatest speeches keep your listeners on side.Let Your Personality Shine Through.Be yourself, during your speech, as otherwise, you will be too focused on trying to maintain your alter ego or persona. You will have better credibility if your personality shines through while you address the crowd and y our audience feels it can trust you. Be real, even if you don't like the sound of your own voice and you'll deliver a great presentation!Use Light Humour As An Ice-BreakerOne of the most common phobias in life is giving a presentation to an audience... how to overcome fear? Be funny!Making the odd joke here and there, especially at the beginning of a speech can be a great way to captivate the audience however steer clear of any dry humour as you don't want to wind up upsetting people. Using humour in most situations can break the ice. Photo credit: benzado on Visual Hunt / CC BY-SADon't Read Word For WordEven though you may have written down an excellent speech, don't read it word for word, that's a failure to grasp any presenting skills. Or, if you really have to because you struggle to retain a script, then make sure that you make eye contact with the crowd regularly. Otherwise, you won't be able to keep an eye on their reactions!Use Your Body LanguageThe way you hold yourself and the way you present yourself on stage can be just as important as how you deliver your speech vocally. Use hand gestures and, more importantly, use your face to get your message across more powerfully. You need presence if you want to influence your audience and thankfully adrenaline helps a lot with this.Start Well, End WellEnding a speech well is almost as important as to start it off on the right foot. What's more, people will usually remember the beginning and end more, since they are more likely to drift during the middle of your speech. Make sure you conclude with a strong summary and give them food for thought.Additional Public Speaking Tips For IntrovertsTry Out A PersonaContrary to what we said above, introverts might like to try pretending they are someone else, but not a different person entirely. Very nervous people might do well imagining that they are not the quiet person they are by nature and instead act as though they are full of confidence and self-esteem. Speaking is performing, after all.You might even discover a new, more extroverted side of yourself that you didn’t know was there before!Check Your AppearanceIntroverts are normally riddled with negative feelings - are they laughing at me, have I got spinach in my teeth, are my flies pulled up, etc... - so it is important to focus on your appearance before you take to the stage so that that is one thing you can tick off your list and be sure of. Maybe go to the toilets just before your speec h and start your checklist in front of the mirror to ensure you are well prepared: Hair, tick! Teeth, tick! Shirt tucked in, tick!!!Remember also, your audience aren't going to judge you solely on your appearance so it's not the be all and end all. The most important thing is getting your message across with little speaking anxiety.Smile At Your AudienceEven if it is masking a whole bucket of feelings, starting your speech with a smile is proven to get more people on side. What's more, even if it is slightly forced, it is likely to make you feel happier and distract from your nerves. Seeing a few warm and friendly smiles back at you could also put you at ease as you begin. If you are a nervous person by nature, then you may need to work extra hard on your public speaking. Photo on Visualhunt.comLet Others Take Over If AppropriateI know, this is supposed to your time to shine, to take the limelight. But you didn't really want it anyway, did you? If you are clever, you could mask your fears by delivering a short and sweet speech and then encouraging participation and getting your audience to do a bit of the work for you, all the while keeping them engaged and managing to avoid speaking much yourself. Genius isn't it?!Take Some Time AfterwardsAfter your speech, you'll probably be buzzing that it's over but also worrying about if it went well. And all that nervous energy will probably linger! Public speaking, for anyone, can be quite draining, especially if you've spent a long time memorizing and working on your delivery skills beforehand to make sure you nailed what to say. Make sure that you don't arrange to do anything that means you are rushing about a fter the speech. Just get yourself home, with a nice cup of tea (or glass of wine, if you prefer!) and put your feet up!See here which online resources are available to those wanting to give great speeches.
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